Lab for a New world

Todays life and rules differ from the times and rules of yesterday.
Nobody is asking us to change, it just happens. We cannot sit back and wait, there is a lot of work to do! The seminar will have three main themes: Contributing to a new paradise by technology. What is and what is not possible.
Philosophical and ethical thoughts about creating a new paradise for humanity and earth at the same time.
Can robotics save the earth or is it dangerous technology?
How do we deal with biology and bio-tech?
Can we really change the DNA of the world and reshape nature and society?
Are we responsible for future generations?
What is the paradigm we are living in?
What is the good life?
We dare student organizations to take up the gauntlet and come with creative ideas to prepare this symposium for TU Delft and other Delft institutions.
We look forward to cooperate with you.